Looking for the best affordable cookware out there? Misen should be right up there at the top of your list!
Disclosure: Please note that some of the links below/on the side are affiliate links and I will earn a commission if you purchase through those links. I have used all the products listed and recommend them because they are helpful and are companies that I trust, not because of the commissions that I may earn from you using these products.
I am happy to announce that I have partnered with Misen, who offers quality cookware and cutlery at an affordable price. Their story is pretty amazing, and one that you can really root for.
Their goal is to provide a thoughtful design and quality materials at an honest price. I'd say from the experience I have using their products, they've come through with that expectation.
Is Misen a good knife?
Yup, it is! I actually love my Misen Chef's Knife! It was their very first product which raised over $1 million on Kickstarter.
It combines features from both Western and Japanese style blades. The knife has great weight and a great feel, as a result, it's easy and comfortable to use as an every day kitchen knife.
The blade is quality Japanese steel and provides a long-lasting sharpness and durability. Let's put it this way...I beat the heck out of this thing and it keeps on slicing and dicing!
Misen skillets are tough to beat. They're sturdy, versatile, and have a very large cooking surface. Therefore, I typically get more "working space" with my Misen skillets than I do with some of my other cookware. Definitely a workhorse in the kitchen!
Love the non-stick pan from Misen. It's been through the ringer and has kept it's surface very "clean". It uses a unique plasma primer that helps keep its coating. Plus, it's a fraction of the cost of other non-stick pans out there.
It's definitely my go for when I'm making a Cheesy Potato and Egg Frittata, Easy Chicken Quesadillas, or a Healthy Turkey and Black Bean Burrito.
If you're looking for the best affordable cookware. If you want quality products at great price, look no further than Misen.
Check out the Misen Collection Page here.